Rare Tornado Hits Raleigh

Many of the beloved oak trees uprooted around the city
Lucky is how I feel today. We just lived through one of the most catastrophic tornadic events in Raleigh's history, and I feel lucky to be here typing this blog. Sadly, several of our community members lost their lives and their homes. Watching the storm descend on downtown Raleigh from the top of RBC Plaza is a vision that won't soon fade from my memory. A time lapse video below shot from the RBC tower shows the cloud funnel approaching Raleigh.

As you see it approaching, you are just hoping and praying that we'll all be safe and come out of it unscathed. Sadly, that was not the case for some. In the following days since the storm, I have heard tremendous stories of survival and have witnessed random acts of kindness within the community.

Progress Energy Center for Performing Art

Bloodworth Street

Damage and debris
Neighbors are helping each other sift through the rubble that was once their home, and volunteers are walking through neighborhoods offering to help clean up debris. We are very lucky to live in such a wonderful place with amazing, resilient people. Over the next several months, probably even years, people will be working to put their lives back together. There are many people in need of clothing, food, and help removing storm debris. Anything you can contribute will make a difference. When you go to bed tonight please keep those families that have suffered such great loss in your thoughts and prayers. Reflect on how lucky you are to be alive and hug your loved ones just a little bit tighter; I know I will.

If you are interested in helping out in the tornado recovery, please visit the following links.

Triangle Red Cross
United Way Triangle


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